⚠ Cuff's Run Is in Danger ⚠ We Need Your Help!
To our concerned membership,
Once again Cuffs Run is being threatened with the placement of a pump storage dam. A few days ago, incredibly, the FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) gave preliminary approval to the plans. Obviously, flooding Cuffs Run ravine and the five hundred acres surrounding it would be detrimental to our trail as well as the involved homes and farmland.
We are rallying the troops with e-comments and letters to FERC in protest. If you would like to participate in this effort, provided below is the means to do so. We have just 12 days left to provide comments.
Thank you!
-Ruthie Fraczek
M-DTS President
Submit protests/opposition to the FERC
(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)
We recommend the use of quality key points in your written submittal will be helpful and beneficial. Examples could be:
· The threat of eminent domain
· Loss of preserved and prime farmland
· Loss of the Mason Dixon Trail
· Loss of the scenic river views
· Heavy traffic and equipment
· Compromised wells and drinking water
· Destruction of wildlife and their habitat
· The integrity of the already overused Susquehanna River
· No benefits to anyone in this area whatsoever
· Monetary gain at the expense of others and our precious land and
Be sure to reference P-15332-000 on your cover page/write up.
There are two ways to submit your comments- via US Postal mail and virtually via the FERC website.
A. To mail comments via United States Post Office- please send to:
Attention: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street, N.E.
Washington, DC 20426
B. To submit electronically click on this link: https://ferconline.ferc.gov/Login.aspx
Follow the steps below:
1. Click on the e- file tab
2. Click on the e-comment in the menu column on the left side
3. Fill out the e-comment form (include key points listed above)
4. You will receive an email from FERC.COM with a link to the
comment system (Make sure it doesn’t go to spam folder)
5. Click the link in the email you received to continue to the comment system
6. Search and select the docket #P-15332-000
8. To select the docket #- click the blue plus + symbol
9. The comment system will time out after 35 minutes and allows a
maximum of 6000 characters. It may be helpful to write out your comments in a word or text file and then you can copy and paste in the comment box.
Imagine if all of these wonderful sections of trail were flooded under water for a new dam:
