Next M-DTS Hike & Meeting Sun Mar 10
The next board meeting of the Mason-Dixon Trail System will be held on Sunday, March 10 at 12:30 pm at the London Tract Meeting House in the White Clay Creek Preserve near Landenberg, PA. A pre-meeting hike will begin at 9:00 am. Parking for both events is at the adjacent Preserve Office parking lot, 405 Sharpless Rd, Landenberg, PA. There will be two hikes: a longer 6-mile loop hike along White Clay Creek on the M-DT and Charles Baily Trail and a shorter 3-mile loop hike on the M-DT and a little used road through the park. Bring snacks/ lunch and water. The 6-milers may not return to the parking lot much before the meeting.
Directions are available in the newsletter.