Gate at Grace Plateau - Map 3
We’ve recently have had a couple hikers concerned about some owner placed signage at our trail location near Highpoint Scenic Vista and Grace Plateau on Map 3. There is a gate that you need to walk around but we do have permission from the new landowners to be here. You will see a sign on the gate asking all visitors to buzz in, but this is not meant for hikers. You will notice a sign that says there is video surveillance and other no trespassing signs that can be a little intimidating. As long as you are hiking through and staying on the trail you are permitted to do so. Please do not buzz in because staff working at the facility may not even know about the trail and we do not want to become a nuisance. Our blazes are very easily seen and you will see the post indicating the wishes of the property owner where you divert from and onto their private drive.