Lock 12 - Holtwood Dam - Osprey Nest
Lock 12/Osprey Nest to Holtwood Dam, PA
2.3 mile loop with moderate climbing
Lock 12 of the Susquehanna Canal. You'll get views of Mill Creek Falls, Overlook of the Susquehanna River and the Holtwood Dam. You'll get a great look with binoculars down at an Osprey Nest which sits on top of one of the power line towers.
From the intersection of PA Routes 74 and 372, drive 2.2 mi east on PA 372. Just before the Norman Woods Bridge turn left onto River Rd (from the east, cross the bridge and turn right). Drive 1/4 mile to the small lot on the right.

Hike downhill (towards the river) to Lock 12. The Mason-Dixon Trail crosses the lock (blue blazes). Follow the Mason-Dixon up river to where the trail passes the mill ruins, then crosses the creek by using River Rd bridge.
Turn left off of road and follow the trail along the creek, past the falls to stone steps. Climb the steps and hill, then follow the ridge for 0.2 mi to a great view. Proceed down the hill to the power line clearing. The osprey nest is on a power pylon down hill from the trail (from March to June the nest is in use).
After watching the osprey, proceed down the trail to the road and Holtwood Dam. Return to the parking lot by walking down river (south) on the road.